Top 10 Use Cases for Symantec Data Center Security (DCS)
Every industry has a need that is unique to securing the systems in their environment when it comes to the type of services they provide. The following list outlines the most common Symantec Data Center Security (DCS) use cases and scenarios NorthStar has encountered and supported over our 10+ years of securing servers.
#1. Securing Medical Devices
Devices such as those to monitor the stats of a patient, run an MRI, administer life-saving fluids, or assist a patient to breathe all require a level of stability in their operations. Due to the nature of the devices many times stability takes precedence over system security. Who wants a heart monitor to require a reboot to apply the latest patch or virus definition? There is a way to have both stability AND security in these devices. Are you ready to have your cake and eat it too?
#1. Protecting End of Life Systems
The vendor is no longer releasing patches for the operating system, but you still rely on it for your business processes. Not always do your business needs match up with the retirement schedule of the operating systems you use in your environment.
#1. Securing Key Infrastructure – Your Domain Controllers
Your Active Directory domain holds the keys to the kingdom that is your organization. If compromised, the malicious attacker can access and take most everything in your environment. They can take your intellectual property, critical data, and your reputation.

#1. Security Key Infrastructure – Critical Databases
The crown jewels of your organization is the data. Much like the keys to the kingdom are in your Active Directory domain, the data is what the malicious attacker will use those keys to achieve.
#1. Securing ATM’s
You know how to be safe and secure at the ATM, but what is happening inside that computer and over that specialized network? Can you bank on the security of your ATM?
#1. Securing Kiosks
We all have used a kiosk, whether it has been to look up a favorite title at the library, check in at the airport, or print copies of favorite photos. These are devices that are easily accessible to both benign and malicious alike.
#1. Securing Point-of-Sales devices
Whether with a cashier or by yourself, a swipe of the card or an insert of the chip and you are on your way. If those POS devices are not secured then you may have paid for more than your dinner or groceries.
#1. Securing your Security Tools
You have anti-virus, you have a SIEM, you even have whitelisting software on your servers. You are covered! Or are you? What are you using to protect the management consoles of those critical security tools?
#1. File Integrity Monitoring
The integrity of your operating system and application files is a requirement for multiple regulatory requirements and just good security practice. Changes to the configurations of these foundational layers can indicate a breach. Do your system files have integrity?
#1. PCI-DSS Scope Reduction
Reducing the scope of the PCI environment is every organization’s nightmare. There are multiple ways the achieve the same goal, but how much added over head and further headaches are you adding to the mix? Secure the systems and get up to date stats as to PCI compliance in a single pane of glass. Help put a smile on your assessor face and calm your nerves at the same time.
No, those number ones weren’t typos – all of the items listed above are equally important reasons you need NorthStar to help you secure and manage your devices. NorthStar is a strategic partner to Symantec with extensive experience in Symantec Critical System Protection / Data Center Security. Our skills with this security solution has assisted organizations on the Fortune 50 list and beyond since 2006. Let us help you make your systems more resilient.
For questions about how NorthStar can help you please contact us via your favorite form of communication:
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